Silvia Piroli

Piroli Silvia

In 1999 she graduated in Economics and Commerce at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Florence, graduating with a thesis Economics of Financial Intermediaries, title: "Asset-Backed Securitization: The securitization of assets". In 2006 she registered the order of Chartered Accountants of Parma (n. 785/A registration and the Register of Auditors to no. 145837 (Ministerial provision of Justice of 18/06/2007, Official Gazette.  n. 62 - IV special series of 7 August 2007).

She is responsible for the compliance.

Attività di direzione e coordinamento Kauri Holding SpA

Parametrica Pension Fund is an independent company and is specialized in the field of administrative and advisory services of supplementary private pensions.

Parma offices:

Via Abbeveratoia, 63/A
43126 Parma
Telefono: +39 0521 039722

Rome offices:

Via Flavio Domiziano, 3
00145 Roma
Telefono: +39 06 5717141

Bergamo offices:

Via delle Canovine, 46
24126 Bergamo
Telefono: +39.035.678028

Milano offices:

Via San Vittore al Teatro, 3
20123 Milano
Telefono: +39 02 39297882

Busseto offices:

Via Paganini, 16
43011 Busseto Parma
Telefono: +39 0524 97953


Parametrica Pension Fund
c.f./p.i. 02287160341

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