The administrative management includes all activities relating to the collection, management and the investment of contributions, the keeping of the individual positions of the members, the relationship with the employers and the reporting for the fund itself.  All the flows relating to the personal data of the subjects related to the pension fund are managed with customized solutions.

This management includes the following tasks:

  • • Management of information flows for the registration of personal data and for the collection of contributions
  • • Accounting reconciliation of data
  • • Management and updates of individual positions
  • • Management of requested procedures for the resolution of anomalies in the phase of contribution
  • • Drafting of customized reports

The administrative activities also include the management of the passive phase, i.e. all tasks related to the liquidation of individual positions, even in pension, and subsequent legal reports involved.

As regards the capital benefits the main services provided are the following:

  • • Collection of ransom demands (total or partial), pension provision

   (In the capital or in pension), anticipation or transfer to other pension form

  • • Reporting possible anomalies
  • • Implementation of tax obligations consequent to the distribution
  • •Arrangement of the prospectus of liquidation

As regards the periodic performance, the main services offered include:

  • • Ignition of the passive position and subsequent updates
  • • Activation and subsequent management of the position at the Central Records of pensioners INPS
  • • Determination of the pension and the production of the slips (with the frequency provided by the regulation and the Statute of the pension fund)
  • •arrangement of payment orders
  • • Determination of automatic equalization
  • • arrangement of flow for the actuarial assessments

For all types of performance (in the capital or in pension), we draw up:

  • • The form F24 for the payment of tax
  • • The certification of the substitute tax (Form CU)
  • • The form 770.

We have relations with the Supervisory Authority, and precisely:

  • • Preparation and sending data reporting scheme
  • • Calculation and communication through the web of the contribution of supervision
  • • Communications concerning the variation of the statutory bodies

• Istat statistics


The wide range of offered services also includes outsourcing of accounting activities; in particular, Parametrica Pension Fund provides the following accounting services:

  • • Keeping the general accounts
  • • Drafting accounting situation monthly and calculation quota values.
  • • Drafting the budget and its annexes in respect of the general legislation and on the basis of the patterns COVIP

• Keeping of the journal book, book inventories and the book of Members


The activity consists mainly in:

  • • Administrative and accounting management of financial instruments present in the portfolio
  • • Reconciliation of portfolio securities and the current account management with the evidences transposed from the carrier/s and the custodian bank
  • • Determination of value and of the shares in circulation
  • • Development and drafting of the prospectus of the composition and value of assets
  • • Entertainment of relations with the custodian bank


For the reserved area, the solution of direct access via Web to the system NavPreviPLUS will allow active and enabled members to consult in real time its individual position, simulate always in real time, disbursements and possibly communicate the choices (compartments, percentages contributory, etc.) by uploading them directly in the system (after validation by the service).

In particular, it is possible to:

  • • Check the individual position (personal data, accounting movements, fiscal situation)
  • • Download the account statement in PDF format
  • • Perform simulations relating to the calculation of disbursements: advances, redemptions, Transfers
  • • Perform simulations relating to the calculation of benefits to expire
  • • Indicate the choice of contributory percentage of individuals in relation to the sectors of selected investment
  • • Indicate the percentages of breakdown of the contributions and the assets in relation to the selected sectors.
  • • Signal not deducted contributions
  • • Report the heirs
  • • Update personal information within the competence of the associated
  • • View and print the information and promotional material on the Pension Fund including the forms of reference for subscribers


The Web site is an adequate response to the great diffusion of increasing technological tools.  The site consists of a public area and a reserved area.

In the public area there are all complete and current information on the activities of the fund with the possibility to print the statute and rules, regulations, agreements, budgets, etc...


(A) Substitutive Storage

The substitutive storage is a computerized procedure able to ensure over time the legal validity of an electronic document. Saving is particularly sensitive to the documentation which must be, according to the rule of law, preserved for several years.

Therefore, the substitutive storage has legalized the computer document, equalizing it to the paper document.  Represents the tool as an alternative to the "paper management", guaranteeing the opportunity of streamlining of volumes and effectiveness of document processes.

Particularly important is in fact the legal validity in time which carries the obligation to conserve for several years (guaranteed by the temporal marking).

Detachment of the Personnel

We provide enterprises the outsourcing service of qualified professional resources for specific projects (activities of service not covered by outsourcing: call-center, front-office and back-office)

  1. C) Contact - center

We offer a service of full support on all aspects relating to the pension fund, in particular provide the following services:

  • • Service of general information
  • • Call- center
  • • Front-office
  • • Back - office

(D) assistance to members of the Pension Fund

This activity consists in the assistance and advice of a continuous nature to the organs of the body (including the internal control body). It also includes legal and tax supporting related to the outsourcing service.

Attività di direzione e coordinamento Kauri Holding SpA

Parametrica Pension Fund is an independent company and is specialized in the field of administrative and advisory services of supplementary private pensions.

Parma offices:

Via Abbeveratoia, 63/A
43126 Parma
Telefono: +39 0521 039722

Rome offices:

Largo Francesco Anzani, 3
00153 Roma
Phone: +39 06 67076267

Milano offices:

Via dei Valtorta 47
20127 Milano
Phone: +39 02 905921

Bergamo offices:

Via delle Canovine, 46
24126 Bergamo
Phone: +39.335.5887657


Parametrica Pension Fund
c.f./p.i. 02287160341

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